Search Results for: plastic recycling

Battery cathode active materials and manufacturing?

Cathode active materials

…process, which also explains some of the challenges ahead for battery recycling. Cathode manufacturing: ten-stage process? (1) Lithium is sourced as lithium hydroxide or lithium carbonate in the first…

Danimer: bio-plastics breakthrough?

Danimer bioplastics breakthrough

Danimer Scientific is a producer of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a biodegradable plastic feedstock, sold under the brand-name Nodax, derived from the bacterial metabolism of vegetable oils (e.g. canola oil). There are…

Chlor-alkali process: the economics?

Chlor-Alkali Process Economics

…models for energy transition and broader industrial models, such as paper products, renewable diesel, carbon fiber, refining,  battery recycling, some CCS and Direct Air Capture. HCl is also an input…

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