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Search results for: “electronic electronics”

  • Microwave Chemical: electrical heating?

    Microwave Chemical: electrical heating?

    Microwave Chemical is a small-cap company, developing microwave-based heating solutions, across over a dozen use cases, from acrylic recyling, to producing food/cosmetic compounds, to carbon fiber (particularly interesting!). We reviewed a dozen of the company’s patents in this data-file, which is a Microwave Chemical technology review and finds a moat in efficient microwave heating.

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  • Power cuts: how frequent are grid disruptions?

    Power cuts: how frequent are grid disruptions?

    This data-file aggregates significant US power grid disruptions, based on data from the DOE. On average, there are 250 power cuts per year in the United States, lasting for a median average of 5-hours, and affecting a median average of 80,000 customers. 20% of the power cuts last longer than 1-day. 15% affect more than…

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  • MHI CCS technology: performance, costs and emissions?

    MHI CCS technology: performance, costs and emissions?

    MHI has deployed an amine-based CO2 capture technology, in 15 plants globally, going back to 1999. Reboiler duties are around 2.6 GJ/ton on a 10% CO2 feed. Capture rates and capture purity are high. Degradation and amine emissions are controlled, and c80-90% below MEA. CCS costs and complexities remain high. In our view, this is…

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  • Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting flexes electrical loads in a power grid, to smooth volatility and absorb more renewables. This database scores technical potential and economical potential of different electricity-consuming processes to shift demand, across materials, manufacturing, industrial heat, transportation, utilities, residential HVAC and commercial loads.

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  • Vacuum pumps: company screen?

    Vacuum pumps: company screen?

    The global market for vacuum pumps is worth $15bn per year, with growing importance for making semiconductors, solar panels and AI chips. This data-file reviews ten leading companies in vacuum pumps, including one European-listed capital goods leader, a European pure-play and a Japanese-listed pure-play.

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  • Magnets and permanent magnets: company screen?

    Magnets and permanent magnets: company screen?

    The global magnet industry is fragmented across hundreds of suppliers, including 800 in Asia-Pacific. The total market is worth $20bn pa. Theย purpose of this data-file is to highlight a dozen leading magnet companies, including producers of permanent magnets, Rare Earth magnets (e.g., NdFeB), ferrites and other magnetic components.ย 

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  • Semiconductor physics: piรจce de resistance?

    Semiconductor physics: piรจce de resistance?

    Semiconductors underpin solar panels, electric vehicles and electronics. Hence this 20-page note aims to explain semiconductor physics from first principles: their conductivity and resistance, their use in devices, plus implications for materials value chains and the energy transition itself?

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  • Silicon carbide: production costs?

    Silicon carbide: production costs?

    This data-file captures the costs of producing different grades of silicon carbide: from materials grade SiC ($1,500/ton marginal cost, 5 tons/ton CO2 intensity) through to SiC wafers that are used in the electronics industry ($30M/ton, 200 tons/ton?). SiC semiconductor remains opaque.

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  • Renewables: how much time to connect to the grid?

    Renewables: how much time to connect to the grid?

    Is the power grid becoming a bottleneck for the continued acceleration of renewables? The median approval time to tie a new US power project into the grid has climbed by 30-days/year since 2001, and doubled since 2015, to over 1,000 days (almost 3-years) in 2021. Wind and solar projects are now taking longest. This data-file…

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  • Polyurethanes: what upside in energy transition?

    Polyurethanes: what upside in energy transition?

    Polyurethanes are elastic polymers, used for insulation, electric vehicles, electronics and apparel. This $75bn pa market expands 3x by 2050. But could energy transition double historically challenging margins, by freeing up feedstock supplies? This 13-page note builds a full mass balance for the 20+ stage polyurethane value chain and screens 20 listed companies.

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