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the research consultancy for energy technologies

New Energies Research

Our new energies research explores economic opportunities to drive the energy transition. Our definition of new energies is that they are not derived from the combustion of extracted resources. Solar radiation is directly converted to electricity in a photovoltaic cell. Wind and hydro power harness moving masses of fluids to drive turbines. Nuclear energy derives heat from fissioning heavy atoms; possibly in the future, from fusing light atoms. Generally these new energies yield electricity directly (i.e., no heat engines are involved). Electricity can be the highest-grade form of energy. But electricity also requires resilient power grids, sophisticated power electronics and possibly also energy storage via batteries. Achieving an energy transition requires moving ‘Heaven and Earth’, to de-bottleneck bottlenecks in power transmission (heaven) and mined metals and materials (earth). We also consider hydrogen and biofuels among new energies.

Solar Research

Wind Research

Nuclear Research

Batteries Research

Power Grids and Power Electronics Research

Hydrogen Research

Biofuels Research